Sunday, June 5, 2016

Stoking Divide — Cops Adopt Own Version of U.S. Flag — By the Police State, For the Police State – The Free Thought Project

Stoking Divide — Cops Adopt Own Version of U.S. Flag — By the Police State, For the Police State – The Free Thought Project 

As Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, the Nazis’ emblem needed to be both a “symbol of our own struggle” and “effective as a large poster,” which is similar to how the police are incorporating the use of a disfigured American flag on their uniforms.
While officers have a right to wear a blue stripe as a means of showing support for law enforcement, the intentional defacing of the U.S. flag to represent something other than the initial intent of the flag comes across as extremely unpatriotic and potentially dangerous – even if the intentions behind it are genuinely good.
Symbols have power and the co-opting of the American flag into a unique police symbol cannot be seen as a benign move, as there is evident historical precedent in the modification of already powerful symbols being used as a means of propagandizing the public.

         Sacramento, CA – A video taken by protesters is raising some serious questions after it captured police officers wearing a modified version of the American flag on their official gear.
The modified version of the flag being worn by officers entails one thin blue line, which police often contend represents the barrier between “anarchy and a civilized society, between order and chaos, or between respect for decency and lawlessness.” However, citizens increasingly perceive this as a symbolic line that represents the separation and differentiates police from the rest of society, representing a blue code of silence amongst the brotherhood of cops. All colors on the flag are blacked out, supposedly as a memorial to all of the fallen officers that lost their life in the line of duty.
And while this may seem admirable to some, in terms of being a memorial, it is also raising serious issues with flag purists. The problem with wearing this adulterated flag stems from an apparent violation of U.S. Flag Code, which states that:

“The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.”

While many may be patriotic in their love of the flag, the official usage of a modified flag on police officers’ uniforms is nothing less than an assault on the flag itself.
According to the website for the company selling the adulterated American Flag, Flags Unlimited:
Meaning of the Thin Blue Line Flag: The Blue represents the officer and the courage they find deep inside when faced with insurmountable odds. The Black background was designed as a constant reminder of our fallen brother and sister officers. The Line is what police officers protect, the barrier between anarchy and a civilized society, between order and chaos, between respect for decency and lawlessness. Together they symbolize the camaraderie law enforcement officers all share, a brotherhood like none other.
The issue here isn’t about good cops or bad cops. It is about wearing a disfigured U.S. flag on their official state sanctioned uniform. The state sanctioning of a modification of the American flag should raise eyebrows.
There is historical precedent for this type of action, as one need only look to Hitler’s co-opting of the swastika, a traditional symbol of good fortune for thousands of years.
As Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, the Nazis’ emblem needed to be both a “symbol of our own struggle” and “effective as a large poster,” which is similar to how the police are incorporating the use of a disfigured American flag on their uniforms.
While officers have a right to wear a blue stripe as a means of showing support for law enforcement, the intentional defacing of the U.S. flag to represent something other than the initial intent of the flag comes across as extremely unpatriotic and potentially dangerous – even if the intentions behind it are genuinely good.
Symbols have power and the co-opting of the American flag into a unique police symbol cannot be seen as a benign move, as there is evident historical precedent in the modification of already powerful symbols being used as a means of propagandizing the public.


Miller Co Made The Statement ! They Had No Complaint Forms Or statements

  I talk about the documents I gave To The Deputies of The Miller County Sheriffs Department In Mo. I also talk about other incidents , I FEEL, is on the Steps of MISCONDUCT!!! Miller County Missouri WTF Don't Investigate First Degree Assaults

***** LISTEN HERE --- ******
By Greg Miller – Investigative Reporter 
~~""Should Congress adopt a national standard, 
Mandating how police departments handle a citizen’s complaint""~~
Please Check Out All Links They Will Lead To More Videos 
Most citizens in America do not have issues involving police conduct; however, there are a few who either were treated rudely during a traffic stop, who were physically abused or have been mistreated in other ways. Often, when a citizen wishes to make a complaint they are faced with intimidation, fear and confusion in the process.
“Police misconduct is nothing new” says Diop Kamau, who is an expert witness for police misconduct. Over the last 50 years, America has had to deal with abuse of police power from the civil rights movements in the 1960 to the LA riots resulting in the acquittal of five LA police officers over the beating of Rodney King. - & - - & 
In a recent survey, five citizens where asked, “Should Congress adopt a national standard mandating how police departments should handle citizen’s complaints”. All five citizens answered YES. Doug Libert of Parkersburg, WV believes police do not do a good job policing their own. 
Justice Kennedy, during his Confirmation hearing (as aired by PBS), said that society has the right to protect themselves from crime and there is a need for police to police themselves to include improperly seized evidence. There are Constitutional rights that police and judges need to know and the criminal justice system needs to obey the rules.
Willis Wilson, who was falsely imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit and was exonerated by the court says, “Police don’t do a good job watching their own ranks”. Wilson is an advocate to truth in justice and is actively pursuing the awareness of unsolved murders in the Chicagoland communities.
Kathy Brown of Maryland Heights, MO has struggled with her own police department after her calls to police were ignored. When she filed a complaint, the police department turned their backs on her. She believes police departments often refuse to take citizens complaints.
Agda Freitag of Arizona watched a elder female friend get jerked out of her vehicle and was handled roughly by a police officer who seemed to have poor verbal skills when talking to other people. As a witness to the incident Anda believes persons who are arrested are treated as if they are guilty before the Court.
Latest Interview With Greg Miller Investigative Reporter - Right After The Miller County Sheriff Threw Him & Richard Out 
As Soon As They Ask - - "" What Have YOU-ALL Done"" 
About/ In Regards To A First Degree Assault 
Greg Miller Investigative Reporter For 
*** -- --***
Richard Wingert who has filed police reports with Miller County Sheriff’s Office in Missouri advocated a standard that “would put in place a standard in which all agencies must follow, guaranteeing everyone is treated fairly”.
All of these people that were interviewed had something in common: all have personally been involved with an encounter with police in some way or another. Congress should investigate to learn what the common problems are involving a citizens’ ability to make a complaint and have the complaint investigated fairly with the purpose to building trust between the citizen and the police.

Miller Co Made The Statement ! They Had No Complaint Forms Or statements

  I talk about the documents I gave To The Deputies of The Miller County Sheriffs Department In Mo. I also talk about other incidents , I FEEL, is on the Steps of MISCONDUCT!!! Miller County Missouri WTF Don't Investigate First Degree Assaults

***** LISTEN HERE --- ******
By Greg Miller – Investigative Reporter 
~~""Should Congress adopt a national standard, 
Mandating how police departments handle a citizen’s complaint""~~
Please Check Out All Links They Will Lead To More Videos 
Most citizens in America do not have issues involving police conduct; however, there are a few who either were treated rudely during a traffic stop, who were physically abused or have been mistreated in other ways. Often, when a citizen wishes to make a complaint they are faced with intimidation, fear and confusion in the process.
“Police misconduct is nothing new” says Diop Kamau, who is an expert witness for police misconduct. Over the last 50 years, America has had to deal with abuse of police power from the civil rights movements in the 1960 to the LA riots resulting in the acquittal of five LA police officers over the beating of Rodney King. - & - - & 
In a recent survey, five citizens where asked, “Should Congress adopt a national standard mandating how police departments should handle citizen’s complaints”. All five citizens answered YES. Doug Libert of Parkersburg, WV believes police do not do a good job policing their own. 
Justice Kennedy, during his Confirmation hearing (as aired by PBS), said that society has the right to protect themselves from crime and there is a need for police to police themselves to include improperly seized evidence. There are Constitutional rights that police and judges need to know and the criminal justice system needs to obey the rules.
Willis Wilson, who was falsely imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit and was exonerated by the court says, “Police don’t do a good job watching their own ranks”. Wilson is an advocate to truth in justice and is actively pursuing the awareness of unsolved murders in the Chicagoland communities.
Kathy Brown of Maryland Heights, MO has struggled with her own police department after her calls to police were ignored. When she filed a complaint, the police department turned their backs on her. She believes police departments often refuse to take citizens complaints.
Agda Freitag of Arizona watched a elder female friend get jerked out of her vehicle and was handled roughly by a police officer who seemed to have poor verbal skills when talking to other people. As a witness to the incident Anda believes persons who are arrested are treated as if they are guilty before the Court.
Latest Interview With Greg Miller Investigative Reporter - Right After The Miller County Sheriff Threw Him & Richard Out 
As Soon As They Ask - - "" What Have YOU-ALL Done"" 
About/ In Regards To A First Degree Assault 
Greg Miller Investigative Reporter For 
*** -- --***
Richard Wingert who has filed police reports with Miller County Sheriff’s Office in Missouri advocated a standard that “would put in place a standard in which all agencies must follow, guaranteeing everyone is treated fairly”.
All of these people that were interviewed had something in common: all have personally been involved with an encounter with police in some way or another. Congress should investigate to learn what the common problems are involving a citizens’ ability to make a complaint and have the complaint investigated fairly with the purpose to building trust between the citizen and the police.

Miller Co Sheriff Said Mo. St. Highway Patrol Had Their Records They Had...


The Miller Co Mo Detective Said The Highway Patrol Had All The Reports & Records He Said My Men Did Not Have Anything To Do With It It Was The Highway Patrol

I Bought  A New Phone It Automatically Records All Calls Incoming And Outgoing Calls