Thursday, February 12, 2015

January 2015 Breaking News Cyborgs Transhumanism Artificial Intelligence...

      How do you know the machine have not already outsmarted us  ???
   Human biology is more limited then a machine. If you are able mimic the type of thinking human can do and the technology continue to advance machines will bypass humans. Machine are less limited by size then humans . With the right technology and the right power source it could be possible to make a thinking machine that is the size of the moon. The size could reduce the speed of its thinking processes. If the human race wants to keep pushing technology forward .We will need the aid of machines and artificial intellect. What use would machine have for human. The machine would use up the earths resources and leave pieces of a dead worlds behind and try to locate other worlds with the require resources. How do you know the machine are not approaching our world after being created by a alien species and using up that world or perhaps they are already here and influencing scientist and engineers. Whats a thousand year voyage to a machine. The machines would continue their own evolution where we left off. Their will be a god and he will be a machine. A machine will out emotion will not care how loud you scream as you are being dissected to increase it knowledge. But a will and purpose it will still need. People who lose emotions often stop understanding emotion. Would a machine try to copy those emotion to increase its understanding of them and increase its knowledge. You better be sure the purpose of the machines is to serve us and how would you stop a machine from choosing its own purpose. Without emotions would you really care about anything. Low emotion people are often more like machines then humans. Some still have a purpose and often can be more obsessives and cold blooded and often have less will power and some want to feel more emotions and many will commit more and more brutal acts to feel something.

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